Friday, October 26, 2012

The 'PurchPurchaseOrderDS_MiscText' parameter is missing a value

The 'PurchPurchaseOrderDS_MiscText' parameter is missing a value in ax 2012 after making some changes to dataset of report


Update the properties for the parameter in VS by setting Nullable = True and Blank = True.

Friday, October 12, 2012

SSRS Ax 2012 new Purchase Order Design not reflecting

5 steps to follow when customizing Purchase Order report

1. Have created a new design to existing report model PSA

2. Right click to edit design, build, deploy, add it to AOT.

3. Change the report menu item with new design as illustrated

4. Open PrintMgmtReportFormat Table and change the report name to new reportname.newdesign
Example : PSAPurchaseOrder.TFGReport

 5. Open \Classes\FormLetterReport\loadPrintSettings

find setSettingDetail, and change the report design to fetch it from table based on document type

 6. Open the report from PO confirmation Inquiries, which will fetch you new report design.